Saturday, September 06, 2008


View from our lean-to.

Resting at Avalanche Lake

Foggy Breakfast

Going up the Trap Dike on Mt. Colden.

On the slabs before the summit of Mt. Colden.

Lake Colden from Mt. Colden. Our lean-to is located to the right of the outwash on a tiny point with barely visibly rocks on the midst of the shore line. The water fingers deeper into the woods immediately right of Beavver Point...the site of the Lean-to.

Aaron climbing the summit boulder.

On Mt. Colden with Algonquin and Iriquois Mountains in the background.

Heading back down Colden

Heading up Mt. Marcy (the highest in NY)

Mt. Marcy Summit

In the Flowed Lands headed to an ultra-secret fly fishing spot.

Fly Fishing the mountain pond.

Cleaning up my was a small one.

Headed back. Gorgeous evening.

Bouldering on the way back.

Beaver Point

Our last terrible trail meal. We call it Spamcake Mash.

The Guys

Psalm 148 and 150:6
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise Him in the heights.
Praise Him, all His angels;
praise Him, all His hosts.
Praise Him, sun and moon;
praise Him, all you shining stars.
Praise Him, highest heavens,
and you waters above the heavens.
Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for He commanded, and they were created.
He set them in position forever and ever;
He gave an order that they will never pass away.
Praise the Lord from the earth,
all sea monsters and ocean depths,
lightning and hail, snow and cloud,
powerful wind that executes His command,
mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and cedars,
wild animals and all cattle,
creatures that crawl and flying birds,
kings of the Earth and all peoples,
princes and judges of the earth,
young men as well was young women,
old and young together.
Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for His name alone is exalted.
His majesty covers heaven and earth.
He raises up a horn for His people,
praise Him all His godly ones,
from the Israelites, the people coles to Him.
Let everything the breathes praise the Lord.


Lynds said...

Wow... looks like an amazing trip.... makes me miss mountains so much, but thanks for slightly satiating my want of them:) Great pictures, looks like a group of rugged mountain men to me, dont find too many of them out here:P Hope all is well:) Smiles:)

Rob Dilfer said...


Virginia said...

It sure is beautiful in the dacks! Even the guys are beautiful!!!!