The Fam
Meg- Recently we've been to Harrisburg, had a birthday, watched Lily roll over, said goodbye to a dear friend, cleaned up many dog pees, visited Lily's great-great Grandmom in the hospital, scored big at Timoniums REI sale, and took Lily for her first swim. Quite eventful. I'm also getting more involved in the church, going to a mom's group on Thursday mornings and anticipating the first house church with Fletch. Life is moving at break neck speed- and I still get little done in a day and often wonder what did I accomplish? Today- 3 loads laundry- and soothe crying baby- all day.
Thats it.
It seems that as we are getting more involved with our 'new' church(we've recently decided to make this our home church after a year of being in the area) we are learning to love God more. Adjusting to one income is challenging, deciding where we are to be involved- where we are to serve, loving in new relationships with people, and especially for me, what is my role. How to balance or at least understand being a mom- maybe only a mom or maybe mom plus blank blank blank. I don't know, but I do know that my heart is created to love kids. My own and to work with girls. After a long year questioning why I ever wanted to be with teens, confused by the sudden and unrespected role change as teacher- my heart is once again confirmed that I am to work with girls- somehow.. and most likely not as a teacher. I've realized that there is a trust and intimacy that lacks when I have 100 plus kids a day. And truly, I've always done better when working with small groups.
I don't know where I'm headed and I'm more often than not, confused about balancing everything. Hence... learning to love and trust God more. Today I was reading in 2Timothy- and this is what caught my heart
- always learning, seeking knowledge, but never learning the truth.
Fletch- I would say, God is moving! My heart is burning lately with fresh understandings of the "Christian life." There's gonna be alot of us saying before God on the great day "Lord,Lord," and He will say "depart from me, I never knew you." We are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison, love the unlovable and Jesus. Sure, I have done these things here and there throughout my life, but can I say that it's my lifestyle. Do I pour myself out as Christ did? Am I more concerned about my standard or living than I am with others living?
I don't care if it's people in India or Lancaster, they are hurting way worse than I am. I want them to see Christs love. I'm sick of always learning and never coming to an understanding of truth. I want to learn more about Christ, and then go and be that. Too much comfort ability. I must end it for the sake of Jesus, for the sake of others.
"Those things you did to the least of these, you did to me." - Jesus Christ (galaxy Creator, man's redeemer)
She might be a rockstar
In Harrisburg after seeing The Dark Knight in IMAX
Our Little Fish
Its so great to see a pic of the three of you!! It seems like life is as busy as ever, but it makes my heart smile to see that God is moving and doing awesome things in your hearts:) Part of me aches to be there and apart of it all, and the rest of my heart knows that God has me here for this season to do something else. Thanks for sharing whats going on and whats on your hearts. God is definitely moving out here as well, and I love that even though we're seperated by 1100 miles, He still connects us in prayer and love. Well I just wanted to say hi:) Love you all! Oh and Lil is more and more beautiful with each picture:) And ya... Fletch she def. has your hair hehe. Tell her, her Aunt Lynds say hi and loves her:)
I sure don't feel like I'm 1100 miles away, at least in spirit. So much of what you said is what has been on my heart too. Keep pursuing the heart of God and you won't be able to help but give.
Hey Fletch and Meg love the pics! She is absolutely adorable! I love to see where your heart is at fletch. It takes a strong person to be so open with their feelings. I am interested to see what great things will come of this in you. Love ya man!
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