With breakneck speed we have arrived at summer. I only hope that things can slow down enough to enjoy, breathe,and savor. But in the very next breath I ask for time to fastforward, to be reunited with dear friends.
I'm no good at saying goodbye, or at any type of partings. When we used to go to the Pocono's I would cry when we left,(note: quite a meaningless departure) and as the years have progressed so has the intimacy in relationships, making goodbyes much more painful. Once again I'm left wondering why God calls my dearest friends thousands of miles away. I've been blessed with a rare friend, my words can't express the depth of what we have nor the ache for her return. Doing life with them made sense, how God intended us to take care of each other.
In our marriage of 3yrs 1mo.. Fletch and I have lived 'alone' for only 6 months of that. We've had quite the equation- (2)+2-2+2+1-1+1-1+1-1+5-5+2-2=4.. Now its just us, for a time, and we will have to rediscover privacy. I've forgotten what its like not to have to get dressed to go get the girls in the morning..2 days of delayed dressin has been quite delightful. However long this season is, it will be treasured, as have been the times where we were with others.
If only I had the powers to do a little geographical reorganizing. Landing Arizona, Congo, and PA within walking distance. hmm and adding some prominent landforms to the scape as well... now that would be a day to dream for..
Could you move Romania & North Carolina closer when you get the geographical rearranging thing mastered??? I love that you two get some alone/family time....and not all because you're not here anymore. We LOVED having you, but we also know how special that time is in a marriage and when you're building a family. I feel like God brought you into our house at such a perfect time...with Jim being away so much w/work it was a blessing to have others in the house to keep my sanity as I adjusted to having 3 wild boys (really 2 wild ones and 1 with great potential:)
Thanks for sharing some time with us:-)
Fortunately time does move quickly and hopefully with some technology you'll be able to stay in touch and watch each others little ones grow. Your tender heart for your friends is a gift God gave you and that many are blessed to enjoy!
Right back at you sister! Missing you crazy already. I wonder what it would look like if we smooshed DRC, PA, AZ, CO, Chicago, WI together? Would it be freaky or amaaaaaazing! Time will go fast and we WILL be seeing you. Hopefully not in 2 years, but in the hot and humid grasslands of Gemena. We'll have a bed and cold coke ready for you. You can go to sleep to the sounds of lizards pinging on the tin roof. Ah, the lap of luxury. What are friends for if not to share such wonderful moments together. Big Hug!
If I didn't need my right arm to hold your babies, I would give it up in a heart beat to make AZ and PA neighbors. I miss you so much luv. I look at pictures on facebook and usually click off the page in tears. I must come to visit... soon... it has been too long!
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