But huge gaudy blow ups- really? They are wasteful on so many levels, first and foremost to my eyes. Please Please spare my vision from those awful chincey blowups. Second, a waste to the wallet on many levels. Several hundred dollars for one, then the cost of running electricity every night. The kicker is, most places you see one of these huge abominations, they are never an isolated design on the yard, nope. They are usually surrounded by several, if not a dozen others, with a house that looks like its about to be condemned.
After that rant- I'm getting very in the Christmas mood. I'm planning a Christmas Tea for the ladies of our sunday school class, and it has me listening to all sorts of Christmas genres as I figure out chocolate, pear spicy, and other delicious recipes to entertain our taste buds with.
Music has been the house savor on several occasions. When everyone is screaming- music. When we have an itch- music- complete with running in small circles - this is dancing in the eyes of a two year old :). When baking or cooking- most definitely music.
And now, to ease the pain of Auty, I don't think music will be the answer. In fact, I have yet to discover what these past few days have been about or how to cure it. But alas it sounds as the the echoes of the upstairs hall are beckoning my presence and hopeful magic solution.
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