The simple pleasures and joys in life are right before me. I've even been blessed with mandatory slow down time..Doc's orders of bed-rest have not put me quite in bed... thats not practical, but it's placed me sitting on the floor with my girls and pillows all day long. No laundry, food making, cleaning, grocery shopping,running around, just simply sitting and playing with them. Watching,learning, teaching, pretending, laughing, breaking up a squabble or three,its simple. Yet somehow challenging. Its very hard to stop. Just stop doing and doing. I realized how busy we are, I am, all day long getting things accomplished, and doing doing doing life. But this time of slowness, is good. I sit back and enjoy the luxurious blessings of a family.
Be Still and KNOW that I AM God.
But at the same time it is physically and mentally taxing. Pain is a constant companion, therefore taking a toll on the patients and attitudes of my heart towards my family.
BE still and KNOW that I AM GOD
The verse is the foundation of what I am to be. Still, relaxed body to add no additional pain or stress to myself or Sierrah, and KNOW.. he will provide me with the graces I need to do the daily life. Pain is a blessing. It allows complete reliance on Him, in all areas to get through.
And so I sit. The selfish part of me squirms as plans have drastically changed for the day, and for our week ahead. But I know, that I wasn't called to be selfish, I was called to serve and to love, to put aside my own desires. Again the Lord is reminding me that being a parent takes all of you. Everything I have, with an open hand and heart, to be willing to do what He wants with me.
My dearest daughter, who dances all day long, I am blessed to KNOW our God and to be STILL in Him with you, to keep you growing strong for as long as God has allowed me to be your first home.
To my beauty, Sierrah
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