Just last week we took a mini-journey of our own. We went up to the PA Grand Canyon and hiked the West Rim Trail. It is a 30 mile, fairly easy trail that follow the steep ridges overlooking the Pine Creek. My Dad took me there for our first backpacking trip, and Meg and I were excited to do a nice relaxing trail in a beautiful location. Well, we were dead wrong. We had the brilliant idea of wearing our Chacos the whole time, thinking that they would be great for backpacking...just like I hear people saying all the time. I guess they just meant to bring along as a camp shoe. I had a measly 7 blisters on my feet, Meg had a whopping 22. I have never seen so many blisters on one person before. After about the 10th mile, everything hurt, especially for Meg. The feet were torture to walk on, which caused her to walk slightly funny, that then had painful repercussions on her back and head. It was just downright suffering.
By the time we were at the last 5 miles, we both walked like decrepit, nearly dead, old people. But finally we finished. The whole time we prayed, calling out to God to numb the pain and carry us on, he did. He faithfully got us through the day and sometimes even helped us to forget how much everthing hurt. He even got us a ride in the back of a pickup truck for the last 2 miles we had to walk back to the car (on the road and after the trail). We then retreated from the heat in the Pine Creek, or a nearby dirty canal...we didn't care at that point.
Today, Meg got her hair cut...and not just a few inches, but over 10 inches. She donated it to locks of love, which in turn got her a free haircut. Thats the way to do it!! The cut looks great, she is such a sexy wife, and she's all mine. Anyway, here are some pics of all that, enjoy.

hey! so good to hear more bout whats going on with yas. So sorry to hear about the blisters!!! Hope you guys heal up really quick! I cant wait to see you Meg with short hair! Thats awesome that ya donated it! Well I hope to get to talk to you two soon. I miss you desperately and love ya both bunches. take care! God bless:)
Those blisters are frightening, but nature is lovely. I was just looking at the pictures from our last climbing adventure, and somehow they looked greener and even more beautiful than I remembered. I think I remember going to the PA Grand Canyon in high school, but the pictures made me want to stop by again.
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Isn't it great that every time you go on an adventure you never quite know what the adventure will actually be!! The view was beautiful, the feet, well, not so . . . lovely! Ouch to my poor child!!! Marriage truly is wonderful, glad to hear you're enjoying it!!
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. Thanks for the attention, bye). Até mais.
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