Megs- Well we've had some consistancies since we've been in NH. First being, every morning we eat breakfast at Littleton Diner.. and order #5-double play- 2 open faced sausage/egg/cheese over english muffins... delicouc. Second... things haven't gone right at all. From directions, to division between us. The enemy is constantly trying to tear us down... and yesterday (tues) we broke through. We were about tired of rebuking and praying and asking for the same things... when finally.. it just eased. Everything cleared up, spiritually, physically, and we were blessed humungously. First our check engine light went OFF!!! We enjoyed an amazing dinner in Bethlehem and afterwards... we went from 0 to 8 moose sightings! We were driving down 302 and Fletch had spotted two separate moose.. and then came the CAAA BLAM!--We found one moose chillin in a small marshy pond area next to the road... and before you knew it.. #2 came along.. then 3.. and finally we got to see 6! moosers all in one small spot. They were all cows and one bull.. and he caused some problems. We got to hear a few growls and saw the beginnings of a fight. We probably stayed and watched them for 45 min. It was rediculously awesome and something we were hoping to see.. well only 1 of! God continued to bless us when we got back to our lil cottage too. It was a swell evening!

We also did some climbing at Lincoln Crag. It was a decent hike up to the rock where we could choose from 40 different known climbing routes. We did a couple and called it a day.

Last night was the last night in a cottage.. tonight we are staying in a campground on the Kancamagus Highway near a marshy area hopin to hike and find a mooser or 2. We get to stay in our incredible new tent!!! WHEWWW! annnd zip up together in maaatable sleeping bags.. yes.. instead of one singular mummified sleeping sack.. there are 2 mummified zones all rolled into one.. so we can mate up..:)
We went to The Flume today.. it was incredible.. with forceful flumes of water and huge towering cliffs above us.
We are once again... in North Conway relaxing and trying to plan out the next day before we head south.
1 comment:
Hey again! I don't know when you will be checking this next, but I wanted to thank you guys so much for keeping us posted with words and pictures! It helps to know what to pray for specifically... and you are both on my heart and mind constantly! I love you tremendously and cannot wait until you get home!! Seriously... I can't wait... so how bout I meet you in new hampshire like tomorrow night?? ;) Enjoy your mate-able sleeping bags and enjoy the mating! :) I love you!
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