Monday, January 29, 2007

God even helps you go to the bathroom

Megs- Today, I lay horizontal, with a stuffed bladder and desperately needing to use the bathroom..which is upstairs. The quest to get there will be challenging.. and possibly hilariously entertaining. Why, you ask? Because Fletch and I went ice climbing.

Yesterday, we went up to Gemini (about an hour northeast of State College) to climb de ice! It was a very pleasant ride, back country, snow coming down like crazy, and sufficiently below freezing.. brr. (It is important to note how cold it was early on)
Upon arrival at our site, the ice looked awesome. I've found out that I really enjoy this - half way up...I got angry at the ice...a challenging spot..vertical and then a large hump. I calmly tried to work the situation, then realized that my crampons are NOT the best for this. So after my arms and legs were shaking with muscle exhaustion., I started kicking and screaming.. grunts I never knew my vocal chords could make. The kicking finally worked too, along with some knee workage.. and I made it over the hump. WHEW. I showed that ice who's who!
Well, we made it to the top. About 180-200 feet up and fletch lead are multi-pitch climb the second half.

So here is where me having to face the quest of peeing (currently) comes into play:
After the thrill and exhaustion of reaching the top, fletch moved about 20 more feet up and to the right of the ice to set up a repel rope. He had eyed a very large and secure tree to fix the rope to. Meanwhile.. I'm secured in the middle of the ice wall patently waiting the decent and admiring the train going by below us. My, it was a long train.
Now, if you were on an ice wall what is one sound you wouldn't want to hear? Cracking perhaps? Indeed, I concur. Well unfortunately that is the sound both Fletch and I heard. Upon hearing this, I didn't know which way to scoot to, I decided to go left, and heard Fletch screaming "Meghan watch out!". I should note that him using my full name and the desperation in his voice, jeez he loves me.. and was scared for me. At any rate... next thing I knew was I was wiped out.. and my calf was in excruciating pain.
Earlier in the climb I had decided that if anything would happen, my first response would be: call out and see if Fletch is ok. Don't panic.

This plan went to waste when I knew that Fletch was well out of the way... I hadn't planned on how to react otherwise, so instincts took over...I started agonizingly-babylike-holy-cow-gut-wrenching-this-is-an-embarrassing-way-to-respond-but-too0000-muchhhhh-pain-Cry!
Fletch practically flew from his repel spot. He told me he had been slightly apprehensive about his jump down before the curtain broke, but once it did, he didn't even think twice.
So what happened? A huge curtain of ice had decided to break away from the very top of the wall. (apparently it had warmed up a few degrees above freezing )It hurdled itself towards me at what seemed like the speed of sound. Praise God for our helmets and my instinct to go into a ball. Although it was a pain that I can't really describe, at least it was only my leg.
Now, being a woman, I naturally just want Fletch to carry me down our 200 feet/pretty vertical decent, curl up in a ball and just release all the tears of pain. This is not practical. And this is also where God takes over. For about a minute my body rocked with violent shaking. Then somehow, someway God calmed me. The panic was over and the adventure was before me. The pain however was not, but He gave me so much strength, and Fletch so much wisdom it was awesome. Fletch decided the safest way down was for me to repel myself. So, I did. And God kept his hand on me the entire way. And gave Fletch lightening speed to repel down half the wall in 2 seconds flat. Although I was slightly out of it, I have NeveR seen anyone repel soo fast! After making it safely to the ground, I then realized I was unable to put any pressure on the bottom of my foot. God had provided me the strength/adrenaline/pain numbing agent until I reached the bottom.
So, after inspecting my right leg that looked twice its normal size we went to the hospital, and I not wanting to over react and make a big deal about this felt like we were over reacting by going to the ER. I thought it was only severe bruising. Well, I was just slightly wrong. I have a hairline fracture in my fibula (right shin bone)- and once the doctors were done with me I had several vicadon, a Motrin and a leg that is immobilized from the thigh down to my toes. Again, God gave Fletch so much wisdom in this whole thing. If it were up to me I wouldn't have gotten help.

Alas, my story, my long, long winded tale of why I am still sitting (20 min later) in bed procrastinating the release of my bladder.

God is teaching me more dependence on others. and has kept my spirits very high, from the moment I stopped shaking till now. I don't know how this will all workout with finding a job, but I'm really excited to see what idea God has for me to make money and provide for me in the next several weeks. I know He will. This may sound crazy, cuz I'm cooped up, but there has been so many blessings in how all of this played out, it just blows me away. Even when we are in pain, God has a plan and will keep up safe. And by safe, I mean he's the warrior fighting for our hearts even when we think there is reason to become down. Safe doesn't mean our health..cuz i know He's teaching me so much through the pain I have.

So my fellow warriors, pray, I go to the doctor tomorrow to find out how long I will be off my leg, and how much mobility (knee or not) I will have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meg, I know you told me about it on the phone... but reading about it (twice!) I cant believe you are alright! (to the extent you are anyway). Praise God, Praise God! I'm so glad nothing worse happened, I'm not sure what I'd do without ya! I love you so much and you are such an example of a strong woman of God. I will continue to be praying for sure! *BIG HUG from Kansas!* Fletch - I'm very thankful God was there keeping you safe and providing you the strength and wisdom to take care of Meg, too! You're in my prayers as well! Smiles, Love ya both:)